Saturday, May 20, 2017

Kaljulaid Reports, "We Have Conducted an Intensive Investigation."

Kaljulaid Reports, "We Have Conducted an Intensive Investigation."

The President of Estonia, Kersti Kaljulaid, has responded to allegations of heroin trafficking taking place in Estonia.

In regards to the allegations, Kaljulaid states," We have conducted an intensive investigation into the alleged heroin trafficking that is taking place in Estonia and all of our evidence is pointing towards the source of the heroin coming from, not Finland as we had originally thought, but instead from Russia. Russia's claims that Estonia is the source are inexcusably false. We also discovered a source of the drug in Russia that links to Estonia's and Russia's heroin epidemic. The most surprising conclusion we reached was an undeniable link to America's own heroin epidemic and the production and trafficking of heroin in Russia."

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