Sunday, May 21, 2017

Pence is "Obstructing Justice"

Tillerson: “Pence is Obstructing Justice”

May 21, 2017
By Raven Apigo

Former Secretary of State, Tillerson, has come forward to discuss the details behind his recent deposition by Pence.

“He is obstructing justice,” Tillerson says, “I was fired because of behind-the-scenes scandals.”

Pence is now acting recklessly with his refusal to meet with Russian officials and displays of military aggression. His blind disregard for diplomacy endangers not only the entirety of the United States, but world peace.

On the other hand, Russia’s proactive and positive responses to various crises reveal a sound, efficient government. Is Russia the world’s new protector?


  1. Да здравствует Путин!

  2. Tillerson's just mad that he lost his job to a guy named Earle Litzenberger
